
Friday, February 11, 2011

The Introduction - "The Makings of a Man"

I am that guy. 
The guy who walks into a crowded room and suddenly, all eyes are on him if only for a moment.  I am the same guy who causes a table of four women to giggle in embarrassment.  I am the guy who other men are forced to compliment, even though they don’t want to.  I am the guy parents warn little girls about.  I am the predator who feasts upon the emotions of women, with little or no consideration for the outcome.
Yes, that’s me.  I am that guy. 
Of course I haven’t always been that guy.  I would like to think the inverse of that guy is where I am now.  Some may disagree.  Maybe I do, too.  I’m still trying to find the young innocent little guy who preserved his virginity until the age of 17.  Ironically, I would probably still be that younger guy if it wasn’t for that first girl. 
It’s amazing how our lives can evolve and revolve around the hearts of others.  I mean really, what could cause a man to change his morals and values, to completely ignore any resemblance of emotion in his actions and thought process?  What could change a perfectly logical, smart, God-fearing young man into a predator, a cheater and an adulterer? 
Well, I will tell you exactly how it could and did happen.  I’m inviting you to explore a detailed voyage from the not so very beginning to the not so distant past.  Or perhaps this can and will be viewed as an in-depth look into one man’s personal demons.  Deception, lust, envy, hate; all of those things some men and probably a few women struggle with in their lives.  It’s all here.  The real question is not from where I have come but where I will go from here. 
I wonder where the inner conflict began.  I’ve laid a lot of blame over the years and I realize it is about choice and whether or not I want to continue on this path.  Men would die to do some of the things that I have done.  Women would kill to experience the things that I have… Well, maybe not kill.  But I have seen them come to blows.  I’m moving too fast.  As I stated before, for now, it’s about that girl...
(To Be Continued)

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