
Sunday, February 13, 2011

The beginning of a chapter, "Caught Up" from my novel "The Makings of a Man"

I’m sitting on the toilet in my apartment I shared with a friend of mine.  I was minding my own business reading a book as people tend to do on the “think tank” when I hear my front door open, then slam shut.  Nothing unusual about that since I suspected Babygirl was coming over anyways.  The unsettling pounding of footsteps echoed throughout the apartment.  We didn’t have much furniture so it was that hollowed sound reverberating off the four walls of the living room and down the hallway.  My bathroom door was swung open abruptly and a tingling, burning sensation grew rapidly on my face as I suddenly realized I was staring into the eyes of an angry woman who had just slapped the shit out of me, both literally and figuratively.

“Why did you fuck her,” Babygirl questioned, seemingly poised to strike another blow in my vulnerable state.
“Fuck who,” I questioned wondering first, who could she be speaking of and secondly, if the answer I had just given was more of a proclamation of guilt rather than innocence.  “What the hell are you talking about,” I added to calm my building concern and establish some since of bearing.
“Lisa,” she said to me.

Every dog has his day and mine did come along.  No one is too good to be caught.  If one plays with fire for long enough, he or she will get burned.  Yeah, I’m sure you could get burned in the sexual sense of the word, but that is not what I’m talking about.  If you continue to sleep around with women strictly on a physical level, you will eventually come across one who will become drawn to you mentally and emotionally... (to be continued)

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